I was born in 1962 in the northern Italian city of Modena where I have my residence and working place. I love photograph, even if I am not really specialized in any particular field, I can detect the beauty of life in many minute and different things. Anything special and unusual can trigger my curiosity pushing me to try and experiment new things. Photography has allowed me to see with a different perspective, to enjoy the cycle of seasons, to realize that time flows at different speeds. Events might not occur as often as we think -they might look similar but they usually are a little different. My camera is like a creative brush, a tool that allows me to express my reality, to translate and communicate to others how I see things or to show them those hidden views and those beautiful sceneries that they are unable to detect. With time this blending process between my camera and I has become progressively inborn, intuitive and natural. I pursue the path of photography to experiment, to have fun and ultimately to express myself.
2017 Festival Filosofia - circuito OFF - Sala Natale Cionini Sassuolo
2016 Festival della Fiaba - Modena
2015 Fotografia Europea - Sezione OFF - Reggio Emilia
2015 Centro d'Arte "Medardo Rosso" - Montecavolo (RE)
2014 Giovanni Battista Amici - Foro Boario - Modena
2014 Fotografia Europea - Sezione OFF - Reggio Emilia
2013 XXII Giornate Europee del Patrimonio - Foro Boario - Modena
2012 Rassegna "L'ignoto e l'evidente" - Maranello (MO)
2011 Festival Nazionale di Fotografia - Levizzano (MO)